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CSRP | Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity
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course overview
Course Syllabus | Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity -
Module 1: Introduction to AI and Machine Learning for CybersecurityThe Role of AI in Cybersecurity
Machine Learning Fundamentals
Self-Study: Building a Foundation in AI
Module 2: Anomaly Detection and Threat Hunting Using AIAnomaly Detection with Machine Learning
AI-Driven Threat Hunting
Self-Study: Understanding Data for AI
Module 3: Malware Detection and Phishing Prevention Using AIAI in Malware Detection
Detecting Phishing Attacks with AI
Self-Study: Exploring AI in Threat Intelligence
Module 4: AI in Network Security and Incident ResponseAI for Real-Time Network Monitoring
Automating Incident Response with AI
Self-Study: SOAR & AI in Action
Module 5: Ethical Considerations and AI LimitationsAI Bias and Ethical Hacking Considerations
Evaluating AI Security Risks
Self-Study: AI Security Best Practices
Module 6: Final Assessment & Capstone ProjectAI for Cybersecurity Review & Exam Prep
Capstone Project – Building an AI-Powered Threat Detection System
Self-Study: Final Exam & Project Submission
Lesson 1 of 19
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