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CSRP | Game Theory Skills and CTF
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Course Overview
Course Syllabus | Game Theory Skills and CTF Challenges -
Module 1: Introduction to Game Theory in CybersecurityThe Basics of Game Theory & Its Role in Cybersecurity
Designing Offensive & Defensive Strategies
Self-Study: Cybersecurity Strategy Planning
Module 2: Offensive Security – Red Team TacticsReconnaissance, Scanning & Enumeration
Exploitation & Privilege Escalation
Self-Study: Building Attack Chains
Module 3: Defensive Security – Blue Team TacticsMonitoring, Detection & Log Analysis
Incident Response & Threat Containment
Self-Study: Strengthening Defensive Strategies
Module 4: Capture The Flag (CTF) ChallengesIntroduction to CTF Competitions
Solving CTF Challenges: Cryptography, Forensics & Web Exploits
Self-Study: CTF Practice & Strategy
Module 5: Red Team vs. Blue Team SimulationsPlanning a Red vs. Blue Exercise
Red vs. Blue Team Exercise – Live Fire Drill
Self-Study: CTF & Competitive Cybersecurity Best Practices
Module 6: Final Assessment & Capstone CTF EventCTF Preparation & Final Strategy Planning
Capstone Project – CSRP CTF Tournament
Self-Study: CTF Wrap-Up & Lessons Learned
Lesson 1 of 19
In Progress