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Cyber Battle Royale
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course overview
Syllabus | Cyber Battle Royale -
Module 1: The Arena – CTF TrainingWelcome to Cyber Battle Royale
Tools of the Trade: Mastering the Hacker’s Toolkit
Cryptography: Cracking the Code
Web Exploitation: Finding Weak Spots
Forensics: Digging Through Digital Evidence
Reverse Engineering: Taking Things Apart
Steganography: Hiding in Plain Sight
Social Engineering: Manipulating the Human Element
CTF Mini-Tournament
Debrief: Building Better Defenses
Module 2: Attack & DefenseNetwork Defense: Blue Team Basics
Offensive Tactics: Red Team Strategies
Phishing Simulation: Building Traps
Advanced Threat Hunting: Blue Team Forensics
Red vs. Blue: The First Showdown (2 sessions long)
Web App Security: Defending the Digital Frontline
Malware Analysis: Unpacking the Bad Stuff
Ransomware Crisis: Fight or Pay? (2 sessions long)
AI-Powered Attacks: Fighting Smarter Hackers
Zero-Day Exploits: The Race Against Time
CTF Tournament: Intermediate Level
Module 3: Real-World ScenariosThe Corporate Data Breach
Power Grid Under Attack
Bank Heist 2.0
Critical Infrastructure Defense
Nation-State Cyberwarfare Simulation
Module 4: The Cyber Battle RoyaleMega CTF Tournament (3 sessions long)
Cyber Battle Royale Awards & Graduation
Optional Content & Enrichment (10 Extra Sessions)Hacking Smart Homes
AI vs. Hackers
Bug Bounty Basics
Advanced OSINT Investigations
Quantum Cryptography
Deep Web vs. Dark Web
Malware Creation & Defense
Ethical Hacking Career Paths
Personal Branding for Ethical Hackers
Family & Friends Cybersecurity Challenge